The SELF is All There Is
There ‘is’ nothing but the SELF
IT goes nowhere as there ‘is’ nowhere to go in ONE
Call IT ONE, SELF, Consciousness, God, I AM, Love or what you will … IT alone ‘IS”
YOU… the Real YOU ‘is’ this and have never NOT been this
Everything else is a dream.
There is no becoming or evolving or working toward this ONE SELF ‘from’ something called you or a soul that expands. These are made-up aspects ‘of’ the dream.
When the SELF occupies the dream unconsciously, IT ‘seems’ veiled by the conditioning of limitation … even that veil ‘is’ a dream. When IT occupies the dream Consciously, it is an observer ‘of’ it like an active spectator watching a movie - and yet, unmolested ‘by’ it.
The SHIFT from unconscious to Conscious is simply the Expansion of Awareness. What has just occurred on this planet is a window that allows this Expansion to occur far easier than ‘ever’ before … IF you choose it and stick to that choice.
An AMAZON #1 New Release in 45-Minute Self-Help Short Reads - by John McIntosh
“MASS AWAKENING - What’s Really Happening - 2020 - 30 minute Synopsis”