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Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh


-Good and evil are concepts of the mind in separation

-Unworthiness requires the concept of ‘levels’ of good and evil, which requires the belief in separation

-Guilt, shame and remorse require the perception of evil actions

-Forgiveness requires something to forgive, which requires the belief in separation

-Unworthiness also requires the idea of ‘levels’, which requires the belief in separation

-Attachments require a belief in being ‘without’, which requires the belief in separation

-Expectations requires a belief in ‘lack’, present only in the belief in separation

-Identifications require a belief in ‘special-ness’, again requiring the idea of ‘levels’, which requires the belief in separation

The belief in separation clothes the mind in this ‘conditioning’, which manifests the illusion of a separated self – a person, from which all suffering arises. All this is a projection on the screen of Consciousness as IT sleeps to the ONE IT ‘is’ thereby allowing for the dream of separation. Nothing is actually ‘happening’ as Consciousness ‘plays’ within the dream IT has ‘made-up’. YOU ‘are’ this Consciousness, both fully Awake [Enlightened] ‘and’ dreaming … a Divine Dichotomy.

#19 -sent from our Retreat at the Forest in the Sky - Flamingo Dai Lai Resort in Vietnam



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