The dream has so many faces,
Despair and Beauty
Pathos and greed
Tragedy and passion
So many scripts
So many masks to wear
The hapless dreamer scarcely dons one
Before discarding the character
For a different more seductive flavor
So fickle is the dreamer in their deep, deep sleep
Grasping, snatching, grovelling for the crumbs the play offers
Never satisfied, always searching for the ultimate high
Never to be found on the pages of dreaming
Honoring, degrading, celebrating and guilting
The limitless masquerades they use
To disguise the ‘Real’
An exhausting enterprise it is to hide
The ONE and only SELF ‘from’ IT SELF
Only the complete ‘Emptiness’ the actor finally feels
When each part has been played
Brings them to the threshold of
The grandeur that Emptiness ‘is’
No part played came close
To the wonder of Nothing-ness
Nor the Peace realized
When all false burdens are laid aside
And the gentle kiss of Love’s Presence returns
… Never having left
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh