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Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh

Updated: Feb 15



Periodically, over these last 4+ years, I have posted articles that speak about the global-dream-story as it relates to the Great Shift into an Era of Light and Peace. Remember … its about the dream scenarios that most believe are real. However, it is ‘destiny’ within the dream – ‘unfolding’ the SHIFT. The players, although important within the dream, are nevertheless only ‘aspects’ of the ONE SELF and NOT ‘special’ as the mind would tell itself they are [itself, meaning the imposter identity called ‘me’].

It is therefore important [as much as is possible] NOT to get ‘attached’ to the narrative, but to be ‘aware’ of the influence that is manifesting  ‘as’ this Great SHIFT occurs.


Trump is the head of a Global Alliance that has been taking down the dream version of ‘IMBALANCE’ called the Deep State [DS] for over a decade in a very powerful and linear way. He is in his third term having been the Commander in Chief in the US behind the scenes as the fake government ‘seemed’ to be running the country. This was ‘allowed’ in order to expose the millions of players globally, at every level of the DS, so that they could be scooped up and deleted from the narrative.


You see this unfolding in ‘real-time’ [clock time] as we speak. Many, many, many moving parts are in motion globally [not just in the US] as this dysfunctional influence is neutralized. REMEMBER – the Grand Dream manifests due to the belief in separation which in and of itself means – OPPOSITES … and this means conflict, chaos and confusion are inevitable at some level. During these next 2,000 years it will ‘appear’ as peace … but really it will be ‘relative-balance’ NOT Real Peace – a Happy Dream.


In just one week of Trump’s visible return to power, the ‘overt’ exposure of what has been going behind the scenes, is happening for all to witness who are paying attention. For example:


-10 Days of Darkness [Communications blackout of the Pentagon to confuse the DS]

-Trump took away CBDC [fake fiat money that has enslaved humanity since the formation of the FED – over 100 years ago]. The gold standard to be revealed soon

-D. Trump took away the WHO [The World Health Organization – run by the head of the DS and responsible for the fake pandemic and the murderous bioweapon Vax]

-D. Trump took away FEMA [that was preparing concentration camps for much of humanity]

-D. Trump took away DEI [that was demoralizing humanity]

-D. Trump took away Paris Climate Agreement [that promoted the fake climate change narrative]

These were some of the basic requirements for the New World Order that the DS planned for decades to occur by 2030. Many more things have been going on including the expulsion of over 12 million illegal aliens [just in the US] the DS allowed in [many of them high-level criminals] to be used as clandestine ‘troops’ to destroy, control and contain the citizens of the world. And then there is and continues to be the elimination of 35,000 miles of global tunnels [and those who run them] used for many decades to traffic millions of children each year for every abomination the mind can conceive of.


There continues to be an attempt to defame Trump by the fading DS and the many millions who have been ‘programmed’ to believe their narratives about him through the MSM [mainstream media], corrupt global governments, big pharma, the entertainment and sports industries and the educational systems. However, these deep sleepers with their heads still in the sand have less and less ‘voice’ now as the communication systems are being replaced by millions in the know ‘digital-warrior’ podcasts, blogs and systems like Twitter-X and others that grow in number each day.


The COLLECTIVE is waking up to the DS’s agenda [and presence] and saying – ENOUGH – NO MORE. This is actually the ONE SELF ‘SHIFT’ unfolding through a dramatic narrative in the Grand Dream. When ‘attached’ to the narrative, one will feel very drained all the time. When witnessed only [NOT an easy thing] … a glorious movie is playing as the NEW … the Happy Dream expands exponentially.


Be assured that IF you are to remain in an avatar body, what is unfolding will be better than anything the mind has yet to imagine. For those whose focus is genuinely on Freedom … the playing field for this endeavor has never been better.


-image by Solveig Larsen







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