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Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh


As you sink deeper and deeper into the Heart [the God-SELF] it is normal to have many ‘surreal’ experiences. The ‘nature’ of Nature for example begins to reveal IT SELF and it is not uncommon to ‘feel’ ONE, not ‘with’ but ‘as’ flowers, trees, streams, mountains, birds, a sunrise or sunset … ALL of IT. This is Reality and may come in fleeting vignettes or last for hours. This is not an ‘identification’ with ‘objects’ but an Awareness of the ‘subject’ behind the projected form, which is ONE and like limitless fingers in a glove, expresses in a myriad of ways – all YOU.

It is the dis-identification with you as a ‘personal individual’ that bursts you free of this ancient littleness and limitation and allows … not something new to appear, but aspects of the Real YOU to be revealed ‘to’ YOU. This is what unfolds as you surrender your attachment to person-hood. Real Life is ‘never-changing’ but infinite and as a person you have seen almost ‘none’ of it. As Emptiness, a vast limitless wonder opens up. Its what some call Bliss.

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