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SELF INQUIRY - Books by John McIntosh

Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh

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" 'LIFE’ – by John McIntosh is one of the books in our lifetimes everyone should read." -Hansranj Minoza Gimeno

"I have discovered John is the most profound writer I've come across in many years." Deanna Lockhart

"I just completed 'You Are God' ... there are no words to describe how much Joy it’s given me." -

Joni Ramm

"I became acquainted [with John] 2 year's ago and I am living his [John’s] word's, [and] I use many of his articles in my manifesto for living my life today."

- Denise Rene'e

"John is so very clear and his depth of spiritual truths so profound. He understands the "eternal truths" independent of dogma and delusions."

- Kathleen Olsson Nelson

"Thank you John, your wisdom has been the sacred oil in my lamp. I am deeply grateful for the pearls, the keys, the doors you have opened in my heart and mind." - Pamela Jane Gerrand

"There is such clarity and simplicity in your ability to communicate the Truth. The words serve as pointers but the revelation is beyond the words, transcending them.

- Christine Van Hoose



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