The mind [false self] requires constant validation of its illusory existence. It continually casts its nets into the stream of experience, whether of memory (past), imagination (future) or of its tainted version of the present. Without these endless ‘fixes’ it feels lifeless and exposed to its arch-enemy - Silence. It senses that this greatest of all its fears means its demise as the tyrant that holds the Real You captive.
When the mind is permanently ‘still’ [possible only through Self Inquiry - paraphrasing Ramana] the Real You simply ‘IS’. This is NOT explainable since infinity has no boundaries that can be defined. IT is Nothing-Empty and yet ‘full’ beyond any comprehension with limitless possibilities. This is the Real You ‘without’ conditioning. IT is NOT complicated but ‘simplicity’ IT SELF. IT is clear, carrying no baggage to cloud ITs Pure Awareness … IT ‘is’ YOU.
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