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Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh


Imagine this: It’s a crisp winter evening and you are walking alone along a cozy residential street toward your home. You carry a bag filled with Christmas gifts you just purchased. You could have driven the 3 blocks from the shops you visited but there is a soft and gentle snow-fall and everything is white sparkling like a million tiny lights twinkling under the glow of the street lights. You breath in the simple joy of the short journey as the snow crunches under your feet … it’s the only sound on this calm, still wintery night. Your breath billows little clouds while you trudge peacefully along and as you near your home, through the window your wife [or husband] and 2 small children are joyfully dressing the tree with tinsel and huge red bulbs … you can almost hear the Christmas carols playing in the background. Your heart swells at this perfect moment and you whisper: “This must be heaven”.

This is why you ‘remain’ in the grand dream. This and a thousand other precious stories, whether memories or just a hope of things to come smother the endless thorns this life of dreaming strews along your daily path of experiences. You have ‘made’ this world, this grand illusion the ‘object’ of your affection, your passion, your reason for living and that is what you ‘create’ … at least, what the mind calls creation. Where your heart/passion [attachment] is, ‘there’ is your world. This includes every challenging moment you believe just somehow ‘happened [to] you’. You made it ALL up.

It is NOT until this ‘totally’ fails to satisfy … the pain ‘and’ the gloriously intoxicating moments, that you will turn inward and keep your ‘attention’ firmly placed there … the only place-less place you will find heaven … the Real You, the eternal Bliss that has never been missing – only forgotten.

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