Many believe this: “The world is sinking into an abyss of degradation and unconscionable indifference and selfish personal agendas.”
The current dysfunctional Divine Masculine patriarchy has been hiding beneath the sheets of acceptable societal conduct for thousands of years and has simply and recently emerged into full-blown view to manifest the end of this reflection in the grand play … bathed now in the brilliant expanding Light of the Divine Feminine. This is not a death sentence for the imbalanced masculine influence that long ago went off the rails but a natural aspect of a continuous cycle of ‘masculine imbalance and dysfunction followed by a temporary balance then swinging into a wide arc of feminine imbalance on the other side’.
The universe of opposites from its macrocosm to the microcosm of a single human experience manifests these cycles endlessly as long as you choose to play in the field of dreams. It is in the nature of separation to alternate between balance and imbalance with an emphasis on either the Divine Masculine or the Divine Feminine during periods of dysfunction. ‘Nothing’ is out of place … this is how a manifested world/universe functions in the grand dream … there can be no manifestation without it since it is based on and requires the belief in separation.
This is also why one who has stepped off this grand merry-go-round experiences Life totally differently than a dreamer, knowing that ALL is within the ONE Consciousness they ‘Are’ … its all ONE, God-Love-Truth … at play. This ‘Reality’ is available to you … Now, not in some distance future where is does not exist.
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