YOU ‘are’ the ONE SELF … the extent to which you focus on this Simple Truth, will be your experience.
ALL suffering arises due to the lack of this ‘focus’ … the belief in separation and the resistance to what shows up due to this belief.
It is NOT arrogant to say: “I AM the ONE SELF”. It is arrogant to say that you are NOT.
- Jesus said: [quoting from the Psalms] “Know you not that you are gods”.
-The Vedas said: “There is only one God”.
- Deuteronomy: “The LORD our God, the LORD is ONE”
ONE is always ONE and YOU ‘are’ IT. All else is a dream.
- Ephesians: “Awake thou those that sleep”.
-image by Solveig Larsen
YOU ARE GOD – ‘FREE’ audio version
YOU ARE GOD: It's Time To Shine