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Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh

Updated: Feb 13, 2019


This is another notion fostered by the false self’s belief that everything is separate. EVERYTHING that occurs in one’s life experience while they sleep to Truth is orchestrated to bring you Home to Conscious Awareness … the ONE God You Are. If a seemingly incredible ‘someone’ shows up in your experience … they are part of that ‘return Home’. ‘ALL’ relationships, from deeply toxic to profoundly beautiful and harmonic ‘are’ mirrors for what conditioning [attachments, expectations and identifications] is ready to be transformed.

The deeply dysfunctional relationships contain many opportunities to look within and ‘feel’ one’s conditioning much more than a so called ‘made-in-heaven’ relationship. When one experiences these heavily flawed relationships its usually because they are ‘ready’ to transform conditioning on a grand scale … despite the often brutal appearances. With just a tiny turn ‘inward’ this can be recognized as the blessing it is. All illusions about perpetrators and victims dissolve in this Real ‘seeing’ and Home’s brilliant Light can often be glimpsed in all its exquisite Beauty.

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Feb 06, 2019

Thank you Jessica for your referral. I am very familiar with David having been an ACIM teacher for 10 years. Finally, I re-read this passage for maybe the 20th time:

ACIM - W-pl.189.7:5

"Forget this world. forget this course and come with wholly empty hands unto your God"

... and understood it. That was 15 years ago and I was absorbed by the guidance in it and have not read any books since then ... only snippets here and there. <3


Jessica Rarey
Jessica Rarey
Feb 06, 2019

Beautiful sharing ! :))) It brings to my mind this beautiful book called 'This Moment Is Your Miracle' that was just published a few days ago. It can be found on Amazon! Here's another site it can be found:

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