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Writer: John McIntoshJohn McIntosh


The false-mind-identity cannot be ‘involved’ in the grand dream and also be the ‘witness’ of it in the same moment ... the body can be an ‘actor’ on this stage, but if the mind is consciously observing this illusion it is not participating ... residual momentum is doing the acting. When the mind is directed to be the witness ‘of’ the dream ‘it’ projected through thought and the belief in separation, it is literally ‘exposing’ itself as an imposter … the ‘you’ you believe yourself to be. Exposed, it withdraws and sinks back into the God-SELF, which has been ‘masked’ by the dream. When this occurs this false ‘I’ dissolves.

Who then is there to be enlightened? Who is there to be freed of the bondage of a dream? The dreamer ‘is’ no longer and there is no one to be enlightened, freed, liberated or self realized. All spiritual concepts disappear in this nothing-ness. All concepts including all religions, philosophies, teachers, gurus, practices and disciplines no longer have meaning since there is no one to use them … they were a convenient way to ‘point’ toward the desolation of an illusion – the person called you and the dream that ‘seemed’ to exist only because of a false self that ‘seemed’ to be.

The ‘blank screen’ of Conscious Awareness has NO identity and is NOT divided into numberless entities called universes, planets, people and circumstances called life as you have known it. In this Emptiness the unbroken JOY and the BLISS of Real Life ‘is’.

-image by Solveig Larsen

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