When ‘all’ beliefs are gone,
When ‘all’ systems, practices and disciplines are put aside,
When ‘all’ costumes, rituals and rules are departed from,
When ‘all’ ‘have to’s’ have dissolved,
When ‘all’ ‘others’ cease to be,
When ‘all’ desires have disappeared,
When ‘all’ attachments have fallen away,
When ‘all’ identities have faded,
When ‘all’ acquired knowledge is forgotten and emptiness prevails,
When you lose the sense of separation ‘from’ God,
YOU will ‘remember’ YOU
As the ONE and only Reality.
BOOKS by John McIntosh
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True, and what about Being the Self-same mirror-like Awakeness - as in Sharing the Unity of All Consciousness - as one body, heart, and mind - soul and spirit - with every 'one' and every 'thing' solely being the emptiness - 'together' - as nobody going nowhere forever?