I’ve been reading spiritual books for decades. I’ve read most of the best authors but none has been as clear as John’s books. If you are ready to awaken from your Eons long slumber, then his books are the ones you will want to read. - Rod Spain
John McIntosh
For decades John was a successful entrepreneur travelling to many parts of the world speaking to tens of thousands of people about Self Discovery. He had been a student of spirituality since 1976 touching into most well known belief systems but found that with that wisdom and having reached the top of what the world calls success, he still felt empty and unfulfilled.
As a result, in January of 1999 he left it all behind totally committing himself to Self Discovery – NO MATTER WHAT. From then on, he focused entirely on this fiery quest leaving no stone un-turned.
John shares his acquired understanding of the false-self-identity together with his personal experience of living through the Heart, which returns one to full Conscious Awareness of Who They Really Are - the ONE SELF
He is the author of 31 published books including 3 novels and a screenplay, and regularly posts articles oriented around Self Discovery through Self Inquiry/Surrender to his various Social Media locations.